06 October 2006

Things are coming together

I'm moving faster and faster on the road to Germany. I just hope I don't crash! Like I said before, I've actually begun teaching in earnest (my next lesson is on John Locke, then I'll be starting the Civil War in another class). I think I've found my niche and I'm really excited to begin my student teaching next semester!

The administration side of things is not moving quite as fast, but it's still moving along. I've spent endless hours on the phone with the UNC education department and DoDEA, trying to get things set up. It's frustrating at times, but necessary. The most recent scare came on Wednesday when I was told that I had to have a university representative, who is not an employee of DoDDS, observe me in Germany. Obviously, the university cannot conceivably send an employee to live and work in Germany, just to observe me. For a short while, I was really worried that the floor was falling out from under me! Thankfully, though, a nice lady at DoDDS told me that a video camera on a tripod is an acceptable substitute. Back on track! So, next week, finally, I'll be able to send in my DoDDS application, after which I'll have to play the waiting game. But the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.

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