20 September 2007

Much like tag team

I am back again. I was offered the job at UNCPD today and I accepted. My official start date is 1. October. It wasn't my original plan, but it's a situation I can be very happy with. Wahoo!


..Ang.. said...

super happy for you Toby.


Anonymous said...

Congrats boss! I got a new job myself and I start Monday. Woot and stuff.

Also, when will we ever meet in person? :)

Rachel said...

Hooray Toby! Mostly that's just a brave front for the totally crestfallen attitude I have about once again being so far away from almost all of my friends. But I'm glad you got a job you can be happy with :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Uncle T!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay Toby!

Rachel said...

Where have you gone Toby?!