31 March 2005

"Mr. Speaker, the Emperor, Tobias Maximus!"


Ladies and Gentlemen of the House, Senate, Mr. Vice-Emperor, Distinguished Guests, my fellow Americans: I am pleased to report that the State of the Toby is strong. The economy is improving, my car is close, my iPod is closer, and I am very proud to say that Toby has not bombed any foreign country. Ever.


My payday was today and it...


...it looks like I just might be able to get my car in April. Obviously, there are a lot of factors to add in, still, but it was a good month in terms of hours worked and I think I'll have a new Jetta very very soon.


I am enjoying life right now more than I have in a while. I still have a lot of work to do, and things are not ideal, but I can honestly say that right now, at this very moment, I am happy.


This afternoon and...


STOP CLAPPING! This afternoon and evening, I will be working hard to improve my economic status, while at the same time, making sure your calls get to where they need to be.


Thank you. And may God (or who/whatever you worship) bless you all. Good night.


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